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Cryptocurrency Market Data.

Covering order books, trades, and contracts for 100+ spot and derivatives exchanges.

Trusted and accurate market data

Kaiko’s cryptocurrency Market Data has powered the industry since 2014, providing a global outlook on spot, derivatives, and decentralized cryptocurrency markets. It offers insights into the trades, order books, and derivatives contracts of over 100 centralized and decentralized exchanges.

  • Comprehensive Coverage
    All trades, orders,futures, and options contracts from over 100 centralized and decentralized exchanges.

  • Historical and Live
    The most complete historical data and real-time feeds.

  • Versatile Data Delivery
    Accessible via API, CSV file, real-time streaming, or various third-party data services such as BigQuery.

  • Fully Normalized
    Standardized data formats enabling seamless consumption.

  • Highly Granular
    L1 and L2 updates for order books, tick-level feeds, and highly-granular snapshots.

How it helps

  • Risk management and hedging
    Conduct powerful analysis and risk management for speculative or hedging trading strategies.

  • Accurate backtesting
    Backtest with confidence, based on accurate historical data.

  • Liquidity and market assessment
    Gain an in-depth understanding of an asset’s liquidity and market structure.

  • Opportunity identification
    Quickly spot unique and act upon unique trading opportunities, such as arbitrage.


Our Market Data products cover order books, trades, and derivatives contracts. Explore the data dictionaries below for granular detail on each product, including available delivery available, coverage, and history.

  • Trades

    Tick-Level Trades

    Every executed transaction on an exchange, including price, volume & trade direction.
    OHLCV Candlesticks
    Open, High, Low, Close, and Volume from any given trading period.


    Volume-weighted average price from any given trading period.

    Trade Count

    The total number of trades from any given trading period.
  • Order Books

    Order Book Snapshots

    A point-in-time view of an exchange’s order book

    Order Book Aggregations

    An average of an exchange’s Order Book Snapshots over time.
    Level 1 category market data includes bids and asks.
    Tick-level Updates
    Every single update since an Order Book Snapshot, provided in real-time.
  • Derivatives

    Derivatives Metrics

    Identify derivatives contracts and asses risk and price.
    See the data dictionary
  • ... Related Products

    Implied Volatility

    Assess future fluctuations of prices in the options market and manage risk.
    Learn more

    Aggregated Quotes

    A real-time price for assets that considers the bids and best asks across a highly-vetted selection of exchanges.
    Learn more
  • Ready to Get Started? 

    We serve 200+ enterprise clients worldwide, from financial institutions to blockchain native players, including traders, hedge funds, asset managers, exchanges, and regulators.

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    Seamless Data Consumption

    Full integration support for REST and streaming

    Powerful SDKs in multiple languages

    Battle-tested infrastructure with >99% uptime

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