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On-chain protocols require reliable off-chain data sources.

A Strong Foundation to Build in Web3

Whether you are building a DeFi product or want to monitor your token’s health, it is essential to have reliable and manipulation-resistant data feeds.

  • Integrate Data Into Your Protocol
    We offer a wide range of data feeds via our APIs or leading price oracles

  • Manage Liquidity Risk 
    Safeguard your protocol’s exposure by monitoring illiquid markets.

  • Benchmark Your Token
    Monitor your token’s liquidity, performance, and activity on protocols.

  • Research and Development
    Simulate activity on your protocol with real transaction data.

Kaiko Products for web3 firms

  • Pricing Services

    Outlier-resistant price feeds aggregated from 100+ exchanges, guaranteeing stable and reliable prices for all crypto assets.

  • Asset Metrics

    The only solution that aggregates all trade and order book data for an asset, designed for deep liquidity insights.

  • DeFi Data

    Mints, burns and transactions for the leading DEXs and lending protocols, helping protocols monitor activity.

data Distribution Built for web3

  • Price Oracles

    Our resilient price feeds are available via Chainlink and Pyth.


    15+ robust REST endpoints for both historical and real time data.

  • Kaiko Stream

    Our advanced live data distribution service for pros.

  • CSV File Export

    Comprehensive historical datasets to analyze trends in token activity.

Ready to Get Started?

We serve 200+ enterprise clients worldwide, from financial institutions to crypto-native enterprises. Learn how you can benefit from Kaiko today.

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